Friday, August 23, 2013

A change of scenery

Do you find that your surroundings sometimes affects your desire to create? Right now my home continues to be full of piles waiting to be sold on craig'slist or garage sale. It is so hard to get in the mood with that hanging over me. Although, I do have all my painting supplies now in ONE place which feels good. Today I head up to the cottage on BBL (Big Bear Lake.) There I am inspired to paint! So many ideas have been floating around in my head since we were in TC with Kim! Maybe some of those ideas will actually make it to canvas or paper this weekend!



  1. Linda, your move has got to be weighing on you more so than just the piles of things!! Glad you are able to get away for the weekend, and hope that the painting time clears your head!! :) Kim

  2. I can't wait to get back and see what you have all produced! I know it will inspire me to pick up where I left off...and will help me grow as a painter. Have fun all!
